Support Group

Supporting HER

We are providing support for women who have been diagnosed with cancer with with monthly group meetings.

  • Spirtual Support
  • Mental Support
  • Healthy Lifestyle Support

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“A blockquote highlights important information, which may or may not be an actual quote.”

Big C Diagnosis

“Cancer” is a scary word to hear from your doctor. Women who find themselves with cancer often feel frightened & terrified, alone & worried. Nobody should heal from cancer alone and no woman should feel like there is no hope and nobody to support her as she navigates intense emotions and lifestyle changes.

We believe all women should have the resources to tap into her internal wisdom and strength. Some can do it alone, but we don’t have to heal alone! That is why Supporting Her Foundation was created; to give women the resources and emotional support to heal from cancer, wholeheartedly.


For women who have received a cancer diagnosis, Supporting HER Foundation offers them a safe support network & powerful coaches and healers to hold these women with confidence, peace & wisdom.

Supporting HER Foundation

Health, Education & Resources

Donations received go towards ongoing support groups for women with cancer.

Direct Cancer Support Group

Come be heard, held & loved. Group support for women with cancer

Why Support is so Important

When women with cancer feel supported and safe, held in a group of strong, loving women, they can more easily access their own internal wisdom, find peace & confidence with the choices that they must face.  The love and support that Supporting Her Foundation provides women with cancer is helping women heal from the inside out, starting with providing a safe place for her emotions to move freely.

Trusting in a higher power or higher wisdom brings these women the confidence they need to access peace & relax so that the body can heal like it is designed to do.

No matter what route a woman takes on her path to healing cancer, whether conventional care and/or alternative care is chosen, that path is unique to her. Nobody else but her can access her own intuition which will be the most important factor leading her to ultimate health.

This foundation was created to help women come back to their true nature of peace & from there, they can access their unique internal wisdom and trust that her body knows what it needs to find its way back to health.

Love always trusts…

Southern Oregon


Supporting Her Foundation



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